Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property Renewals (AGIP-Renewals)

AGIP-Renewals: Managing your intellectual property rights (IPRs) has never been easier; compile your IPRs with AGIP-Renewals with no initial fees. Now, with AGIP-Renewals, a new concept has been introduced. Clients will pay a flat fee for applications they wish to renew, we will neither charge any additional fees nor any fees on applications in your portfolio you do not wish to renew.

Being an AGIP client means that you will be offered a special treatment; where our professional staff will gladly offer their expertise, time and knowledge to serve our clients with the most professional and time-efficient approach. Taking the responsibility of managing trademark portfolios is also one of our priorities where we provide all the necessary information about all the trademarks registered at AGIP and non-AGIP as well.

